Chapter # 9

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Chapter # 9

Chemical Energetics

Naâ„¢ + CIâ„¢ the change in enthalpy is called:

1. For the reaction NaCl

A) Heat of reaction B) Heat of formation

C) Heat of combustion D) Heat of solution Chemical Energetics

7. Evaporation of water is an exceptional case of:

A) Spontaneous B) Non-spontaneous

C) Decomposition D) Hydrolysis Chemical Energetics

3. Which statement is contrary to the first law of thermodynamics?

A) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

B) One form of energy can be converted into other form of energy

C) In an adiabatic process the work done 1s independent of its path

D) Continuous production of mechanical work without supplying

an equivalent amount of heat is possible Chemical Energetics

4. Born Haber’s cycle enables us to calculate:

A) Heat energy B) Lattice energy

C) Heat of hydration D) Heat of solution Chemical Energetics

5. Which statement is not correct about AH?

A) AHO of the reaction depends on temperature

B) AH of reaction can be > or < zero

C) AH of catalyzed and un catalyzed reaction is same

D) AHis always < 0 Chemical Energetics

6. Which statement is not correct about AHo?

A) Atomization B) Neutralization

C) Combustion D) Solution Chemical Energetics

7. Which one of the following statements is correct for the neutralization of a strong acid by a strong alkali in aqueous solution at 25°C?

A) It 1s an endothermic process

B) It can be represented as H;0″ + OH—— 2H,0

C) The enthalpy change per mole of H20 formed 1s independent of the acid or alkali used as they are strong

D) Both B and C Chemical Energetics

8. According to Born Haber cycle, AH? of ionic compound is determined by the formula AHO.

A) AH® = AHF – AH, B) AH? = AH, + AHOF

C) AH = AH, – AHOT D) AH® = AH@at – AH, Chemical Energetics

0. Lattice energy (AH? ) helps to explain all of the following properties of ionic compounds EXCEPT:

A) Structure B) Bonding

C) Properties D) Dipole-moment Chemical Energetics

10. In azeotropic mixture showing positive deviation from Raoult’s law, the volume

of the mixture is:

A) Slightly more than the total volume of the components

B) Slightly less than the total volume of the components

C) Equal to the total volume of the components

D) Difficult to predict Chemical Energetics

11. All of the following reactions are exothermic EXCEPT:

A) N, + 3H, ONH,

B) C+ 0, – Co,

O) N, oh 0, 2NO

D) H, +-0, . H20 Chemical Energetics

12. For which one of the following compounds standard enthalpy change (AH? ) can be measured directly by calorimeter?

A) CCL B) B,0

C) Al, 04 D) MgO Chemical Energetics

13. All of the following are state functions EXCEPT?


CG D)q

Chemical Energetics

14. All of the following standard enthalpy change (AH? ) have only positive value EXCEPT:

A) AHv B) AHbde

C) AH%sol D) AHi Chemical Energetics

15. Glass calorimeter is used to determine:

A) AH’n B) AH sol

C) AH at D) AH°f Chemical Energetics

16. If an endothermic reaction is allowed to take place very rapidly in the air, the temperature of the surrounding air:

A) Remains constant B) Increase

C) Decrease D) Remains unchanged Chemical Energetics

17. Which of the following statements is not correct for AE and AH?

Options AE (Change in internal AH (Change in energy) enthalpy)

A) AE = qv AH = gp

B) AE = gq + PAV AH =AE + PAV

©) AE is measured at constant AH is measured at volume constant pressure

D) qv > qp ap = pv Chemical Energetics

18. The nature of an aqueous solution of ammonia (NH3) is:

A) Amphoteric B) Neutral

C) Basic D) Acidic Chemical Energetics

19. An aqueous solution of ethanol in water may have vapour pressure:

A) Equal to that of water

B) More than that of water C) Equal to that of ethanol

D) Less than that of water Chemical Energetics

20). The solution which has lower osmotic pressure is called:

A) Hypotonic solution B) Isotonic solution

C) Hypertonic solution D) Saturated solution Chemical Energetics

21. Molal boiling point constant (Kb) is related to:

A)m B)M

C) ppm D) X

Chemical Energetics

22. All of the followings are examples of pair of partially miscible liquids except:

A) lodine water system B) Nicotine water system

C) Triethyamine water system D) Phenol water system

Chemical Energetics

23. Which of the following aqueous solutions has the lowest vapour pressure at room temperature?

A) 0.1m NaCl solution B) 0.1m glucose solution

C) 0.1m CaCl2 solution D) 0.1m urea solution Chemical Energetics

24. To observe the colligative properties, following conditions should be fulfilled by the solution EXCEPT:

A) Solution should be dilute

B) Solute should be non-electrolyte

C) Solute should be non-volatile

D) Solute can be volatile and non-electrolyte Chemical Energetics

25. Which of the following is colligative property?

A) Osmotic-pressure B) Boiling point

C) Freezing point D) Melting point Chemical Energetics

26. Mark the correct statement about the relative lowering of vapour pressure:

A) It 1s independent of the temperature

B) It depend on the concentration of solute

C) It is constant when equimolecular proportions of different solutes are

dissolved in the same mass of same solvent

D) All of these Chemical Energetics

277. Internal energy of a system depends on all the factors EXCEPT:

A) Chemical nature of a substance

B) Temperature

C) Pressure and volume

D) Path

Chemical Energetics

78. lonic solid is dissolved in water if:

A) AH® > AH hyd B) AH hyd = AH?

C) AH hyd > AH® D) AH®< > =AH hyd Chemical Energetics

29. The number of moles of solute in 1000g (1kg) of solvent is called:

A) Molarity B) Mole fraction

C) Molality D) ppm Chemical Energetics

30. Which of the following is an example of solution in which solute is in the solid state while solvent is in the liquid state?

A) Paint B) Fog

C) Steel D) Milk Chemical Energetics

31. The temperature at which two conjugate solutions merge into one another is called:

A) Upper consulate temperature

B) Optimum temperature

C) Transition temperature

D) Absolute temperature Chemical Energetics

372. If mass of solvent is 100g and molal concentration of its solution is 0.2, the amount of urea dissolved in solvent (molar mass of solute is 60gmol-1) is:

A) 1.2g B) 0.5¢g

C) 1.0g D) 0.75g Chemical Energetics

33. Asample of tooth paste having 100g, was found to contain 0.5g fluoride ions. The concentration of fluoride ions in ppm is:

A)1.5×103 B)5x 103

C) 1.25 x 103 D)2.5x 103 Chemical Energetics

34. 18g glucose is dissolved in 90g of water. The relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:

A)~ B)


Chemical Energetics

35. A colloidal system involves

A) A state of dissolution

B) Astate of homogenous mixture

C)A state of dispersion

D) A state of suspension Chemical Energetics

36. Solvent loving colloids are called:

A) Lyophobic acid B) Lyophobic acid

C) Hydrophobic colloids D) Mesophobic colloids Chemical Energetics

37. The fresh precipitate can be passed in colloidal state by

A) Peptization B) Coagulation

C) Diffusion D) Effusion Chemical Energetics

38. A colloidal solution of Fe(OH)3 in water is:

A) Hydrophilic colloid B) An emulsion

C) A hydrophobic colloid D) Lyophilic colloid

Chemical Energetics

39. The addition of alcohol to a saturated aqueous solution of calcium acetate first

forms a sol and then sets to a gelatinous mass called solid alcohol which is a:

A) Solid sol B) Aerosol

C) Solid form D) Gel Chemical Energetics

4(). The colloidal solution of gold prepared by different methods have different colours due to:

A) Difference in the size of colloidal particles

B) Fact that gold exhibit variable valiancy C) Different conc. of gold

D) Presence of different type of foreign particles Chemical Energetics

41. The amount of solute present in a fixed amount of solvent or solution is called:

A) Concentration of solution

B) Molal solution

C) Molar solution

D) ppm Solution Chemical Energetics

47. Which of the following is example of colloidal solution in which dispersion phase is in the liquid state and dispersion medium is in the solid state?

A) Muddy water B) Blood

C) Cheese D) Fog

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