Alternating Current

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Alternating Current

1. The basic difference between A.C and D.C is:

A. Direction reversal by A.C                    
B. Changing magnitude by A.C                    
C. Both A and B                         
D. None of these 

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A. Direction reversal by A.C

2. An A.C current is given by 1=100t.It will achieve value of 50 after___second.

A. 1/600			
B. 1/1800					     										      C.  1/300	                     
D.  1/900 

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A. 1/600

3. A bulb is connected with A.C supply. The intensity of light from the bulb:

A.  Change continuously				
B.  Decreases and becomes zero		
C.  Increases and reaches to its maximum	
D.  Remains constant

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A. Change continuously

4. Two A.Cs are represented by I1 =100 sin100Ï€t and I2 =100 sin 200Ï€t , the relation between the frequencies of these A.Cs is:

A.   f1  = f2                      
B.   f1  = 2f2
C.   f1  = 2f2             
D.   f1  = 2f2

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C. f1 = 2f2

5. The time taken by A.C to reach half of maximum value is
——–while initial phase of A.C is 0Ö¯.

A.  T/8                                    
B.  T/6     
C.  T/12                                     
D.  T/4

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C. T/12

6. How many times A.C achieves zero value in one cycle:

A. Once                                
B. Twice					
C. Thrice                              
D.  Four times 

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B. Twice

7. The rms value of A.C in 1st half is:

A. Zero                   
B. Io/2							
C. Io/√2                                  
D. 2Io/√2 

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C. Io/√2

8. The ratio of energy stored in the circuit to the energy dissipated in one cycle is called:

A. Ripple factor                              
B. Power factor
C. Quality factor                             
D. Fill factor

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C. Quality factor

9. In the following waveform, the rms value will be:

A. V./√2                                               
B. √2/5V.            
C. √3/2V.                               
D. √5/2V.

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D. √5/2V.

10. The rate of heat production in a resistor due to an alternating current of rms value 10A is same as that due to a direct current of:

A. 10A                                       
B. 10√2A				 
C. 10√3 A                                 
D. 5A

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A. 10A

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