Alternating Current

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Alternating Current

11. The voltage of domestic A.C is 220 volt what does this represent:

A. Mean voltage                            
B. Peak voltage    
C. Root mean voltage                    
D. Root mean square voltage

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D. Root mean square voltage

12. Two A.C waveforms are shown in figure:

The phase relation between V1& V2 is:

A. V1 leads V2 by 90o               
B. V2 lags V1 by 90o        
C. V2 leads V1 by 90o                
D. Both A and B

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D. Both A and B

13. Referring to waveforms in Questions # 12, the expression for V1 = & V2 =:

A. Vocoso , Vo sino                          
B. Vo sino , Vo sin(o-90o)
C.  Vo sino , Vo sin(o-90o)        
D. None of these

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C. Vo sino , Vo sin(o-90o)

14. Phase lead or lag between two alternating quantities is conveniently
shown by representing A.C quantities as:

A. Scalars     
B. Vectors 
C. One by scalar and other by vector    
D. All may correct

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B. Vectors

15. The response of which one is same both in A.C and D.C:

A. Capacitor                       
B. Resistor

C. Inductor                         
D. Inductor and capacitor

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B. Resistor

16. A sinusoidal alternating current of peak value I passes through a heater of resistance R. What is the mean power output of the heater?

A. Io2 R /2                                      
B. Io2 R                    
C.  Io2 R/√2                                     
D. √2Io R

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A. Io2 R /2 

17. In a capacitive circuit, at low frequency, the reactance will be:

A. High                                   
B. Zero    
C. Low                                    
D. Infinite

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A. High

18. A 1 uF capacitor is connected across an AC source whose voltage
amplitude is 50 V and angular frequency is 100 rad/s. The
current amplitude will be:

A. 2.5 mA                                       
B. 10 mA

C. 5 mA                                           
D. 15 mA

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A. 10C. 5 mA

19. For which component used in A.C circuit the power factor is

A.  Capacitor
B.  Resistor
C.  Inductor
D. Both capacitor and inductor

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D. Both capacitor and inductor

20. At what frequency will an inductor of H have a reactance of

A. 50 Hz                              
B. 70 Hz
C. 60 Hz                                
D.  80 Hz

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D. 80 Hz

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