Analytical Reasoning

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Analytical Reasoning
TYPE # 1
John purchased a toy for his young daughter. The toy included nine colorful pieces
in the shape of numbers from 1-9. In examining these pieces he made the following
One piece is purple and two pieces each are red, green, yellow and blue.
The two red pieces are consecutive numbers.
The number 4 is green.
The two blue pieces are not consecutive numbers.
Both 1 and 9 are yellow.
The purple piece is not a number immediately less than or immediately greater than either green piece.
If one of the red pieces in number 3 then what number is the other red piece?
(a) 2
(d) 6
(b) 4
(e) 7
(c) 5
If the number 5 is green, each of the following could be true except:
(a) The purple piece and one of the yellow pieces are consecutive numbers
(b) The number 6 is purple
(c) The two blue pieces and the purple piece are consecutive numbers
(d) The number 2 is red
(e) The number 8 is red
If the number 6 is green, which of the following could be true:
(a) 2 is blue
(b) 3 is purple
(c) 5 is red
(d) 5 is purple
(e) 7 is blue
Which of the following if true would enable you to determine the color of every no. :
(a) The 2 is blue
(b) The 3 is blue
(c) The 5 is red
(d) The 7 is blue
(e) The 7 is green
John purchased a toy for his young daughter. The toy included nine colorful piecesin the shape of numbers from 1-9. In examining these pieces he made the followingobservations:


In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in straight line and each has a ball hidden under it . The cups are numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the ball is painted a solid color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange, purple, red and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in manner thatconfirms to the following conditions:
The purple ball must be hidden under a lower numbered cup than the orange ball
The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent to the cup under which the magenta ball is hidden.
The green ball must be hidden under cup 5
Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups in order from1 through 6:
(a) green, yellow, magenta, red, purple, orange.
(b) magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow.
(c) magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange.
(d) Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple.
(e) red, purple, magenta, yellow, green, orange.
If the magenta ball is under cup 4, the red ball must be under cup:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5
(e) 6
A ball of which of the following colors could be under cup 6:
(a) Green
(b) Magenta
(c) Purple
(d) Red
(e) Yellow
If the purple ball is under cup 4, the orange ball must be under:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5
(e) 6
Which of the following must be true?
(a) The green ball is under a lower numbered cup than the yellow ball
(d) The orange ball is under a lower numbered cup than the green ball
(c) The purple ball is under a lower numbered cup than the green ball
(d) The purple ball is under a lower numbered cup than the red ball
(d) The red ball is under a lower numbered cup than the yellow ball
If the orange ball is under cup 2, balls of which of the following colors could be under cups immediately adjacent to each other:
(a) green and magenta
(d) green and purple
(c) Orange and yellow
(d) purple and red
(e) red and yellow
If the magenta ball is under cup 1, balls of which of the following colors must be under cups immediately adjacent to each other:
(a) green and orange
(d) green and yellow
(c) purple and red
(d) purple and yellow
(d) red and yellow
Exactly seven persons-P, Q, R, S, T, U and V- participate in and finish all of a series of swimming races. There are no ties for any position at the finish of any of the races.
 V always
K won less money than L did
The difference between the M and P was $5,000
The difference between the winnings of N and P was at lest $10,000
Which of the following could be the ranking from the 6th place through 1st place of students:
(a) M, P, L, O, N, K
(b) N, P, M, O, K, L
(c) N, M, K, O, L, P
(d) M, P, K, O, N, L
(e) K, L, M, P, O, N
If K won $10,000, how much money in total did M and P wins?
(a) $15,000
(b) $25,000
(c) $35,000
(d) $45,000
(e) $55,000
If L won $25,000, which of the following must be true:
(a) N won $30,000
(b) K won $15,000
(c) P won $15,000
(d) M won $5,000
(e) K won $5,000
If N won the fourth prize of $15,000, which of the following is the pair of students Where the first named student won $5,000 more than the second named student?
(a) K & L
(b) L & K
(c) M & O
(d) M & P
(e) P & M
If the difference of the amounts won by K and M was $5,000, which of the followingpairs of students could also have won prizes that difference by $5,000?
(a) K & N
(b) K & P
(c) L & O
(d) L & P
(e) M & O
Exactly seven persons- P, Q, R, S, T, U and V- participate in and finish all of a series of swimming races. There are no ties for any position at the finish of any of the races.
 V always finishes somewhere ahead of P
P always finishes somewhere ahead of Q
Either R finishes first and T finishes last or S finishes first and U or Q finishes last.
If in a race V finishes fifth, which of the following must be true?
(a) S finishes first 
(b) R finishes second
(c) T finishes third
(d) Q finishes fourth
(e) U finishes last
If in a race R finishes first, V can finish no lower than
(a) 2nd
(b) 3rd
(c) 4th
(d) 5th
(e) 6th
If in a race S finishes second, which of the following can be true?
(a) P finishes before R 
(b) V finishes before S
(c) P finishes before V
(d) T finishes before Q
(e) U finishes before V
If in a race S finishes sixth, and Q finishes fifth, which of the following can be true
(a) V finishes first or fourth
(b) R finishes second or third
(c) P finishes second or fifth
(d) U finishes third or fourth
(e) T finishes fourth or fifth
If in a race R finishes second, and Q finishes fifth, which of the following mustbe true
(a) S finishes third
(b) P finishes third
(c) V finishes fourth
(d) T finishes sixth
(e) U finishes sixth
Each of the integers from 1-7 inclusive is to be assigned to one of the two sets-X and Y- such that :
No integer is a member of both sets
Neither sets has members more than four
1 and 4 must be same sets
If 2 is a member of set X then so is 7
If 6 is a member of set Y then 5 is not a member of set Y
Which of following could be the complete list of the members of set X ?
(a) 1, 4
(b) 1, 2 and 7
(c) 1, 4 and 7
(d) 1, 2 and 4
(e) 1, 4, 5, 7
Which of the following cannot be true ?
(a) 4 and 7 are in X
(b) 5 and 6 are in X
(c) 1 and 2 are in Y
(d) 1, 3 and 7 are in X
(e) 2, 3 and 6 are in Y
If 5 and 7 are both members of the set Y, how many different ways are there to assign the other five members to the two sets ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 5
(e) 6
If X has four members, none of which is 1, which of the following no. must be in X
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 6
(e) 7
TYPE # 2
The supervisor of a commuter airline is scheduling pilots to fly the round trip from City X to City Y. The trip takes only 2 hours and the airline has the one round tripFlight in the morning and one in flight in the afternoon, each day, Monday throughFriday. Pilots must be scheduled in accordance with the following rules:
Only W, X and Y can fly the morning flight
Only V, X and Z can fly the morning flight
No pilot may fly twice on the same day
X must fly the Wednesday morning flight
Z must fly the Tuesday afternoon flight
Which of the following must be true:
(a) W flies the Monday morning flight
(b) X flies the Monday afternoon flight
(c) Y flies the Tuesday morning flight
(d) W flies the Thursday morning flight
(e) Z flies the Thursday afternoon flight
If X flies on Monday morning then which of the following must be true:
(a) X does not fly on Monday afternoon
(b) V flies on Friday afternoon
(c) W flies on Thursday morning
(d) Y flies the Thursday morning flight
(e) Neither W nor Y flies Thursday
If X flies only one morning flight during the week. Which of the following must be true?
(a) W flies exactly two days during the week
(b) X flies exactly three days during the week
(c) Y flies only one day during the week
(d) Z flies Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon
(e) X flies more times during the week than V flies
If W is not scheduled to fly at all during the week, all of the following must be trueEXCEPT
(a) X flies on Monday morning
(b) V flies on Monday afternoon
(c) Y flies on Thursday morning
(d) Z flies on Friday afternoon
(e) X flies on Friday morning
Two male singers, P and S; two female singers, R and V ; Two male comedians,T and W, and two female comedians, Q and U; are the eight entertainers who are to perform at the Stuart theater on a certain night. Each entertainer is to performalone and only once that night. The entertainers may perform in any order that conformsto the following restrictions:
The performance by singers and the performance by comedians must alternate throughout the evening
The first performance that evening must be by female entertainer, and the second by male entertainer
The final performance must be by a male singer
Which of the following could be the last of the entertainer to perform:
(a) R
(b) S
(d) T
(c) V
(e) W
Which of the following could be the first of the entertainer to perform:
(a) P
(b) R
(c) U
(d) V
(e) W
If R is to perform 4th then which of the following must perform 6th?
(a) P
(b) S
(c) U
(d) V
(e) W
If U is to perform 7th then which of the following must perform 1st?
(a) Q
(b) R
(c) S
(d) T
(e) V
If P is to perform 8th then which of the following can perform 2nd?
(a) R
(b) S
(c) T
(d) V
(e) W
If T is to perform 3rd then W must perform.
(a) 1st or 5th 
(b) 2nd or 5th 
(c) 4th or 7th 
(d) 5th or 7th 
(e) 6th or 7th 
If Q is to perform 3rd , V 4th and W 5th which of the following must perform 6th 
(a) P
(b) R
(c) T
(d) V
(e) S
On AIDS awareness day at Buchanan High School, during each of the eightperiods, a different student is to brief on PA system, a person who died of AIDS.The eight students chosen include 3 freshmen, 2 sophomores, 2 juniors and 1 senior.The order in which they speak must confirm the following conditions:
The first or last talk of the day must be by a junior
A freshmen must speak during the 5th period
The three freshmen may not speak during the three consecutive periods
The senior can’t speak immediately after or immediately before either of the junior
At least once during the day a sophomore and a junior must speak during two consecutive periods
If the senior speaks during the period 2 which of the following must be true
(a) A junior speaks during period 1
(b) A freshmen speaks during period 1
(c) A freshmen speaks during period 3
(d) A sophomore speaks during period 7
(e) A junior speaks during period 8
Which of the following could be the grades of periods from 3 to 7?
(a) Junior                   Freshman            Freshman           Junior               Sophomore
(b) Junior                   Senior                 Freshman           Freshman          Sophomore
(c) Sophomore           Freshman            Freshman           Freshman          Junior
(d) Freshman             Freshman            Senior                 Freshman          Junior
(e) Senior                  Freshman            Freshman           Junior                 Freshman
   Period-3                  Period-4              Period-5             Period-6           Period-7
If a freshman speaks during period 4, which of the following must be true?
(a) The senior speaks in period 1 or 8
(b) Two sophomores speak in consecutive periods
(c) Two juniors speaks in consecutive periods
(d) A freshman speaks during first two or last two periods
(e) One junior speaks during the period one and the other junior speaks during period 8
If a freshman speaks during period 1, each of the following could be true except
(a) The senior speaks during the period 7
(b) The sophomores speaks during period 2 and 7
(c) Both sophomores speak before the senior
(d) Both junior speak after the senior
(e) The speakers in two consecutive periods are not from same grade
If the two first talks are made by the sophomores, which of the following must be true?
(a) A freshman speaks during period 6
(b) A freshman speaks during period 7
(c) A junior speaks during period 4
(d) A junior speaks during period 6
(e) The senior speaks during period 4
William Weinberg is a Psychiatrist who has to schedule one therapy session for each of the six patients  -B, C, D, E, F and G. Sessions will take place on same day.The sessions will scheduled at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 1:00,  2:00 and 3:00 with a lunchbreak at noon. Following conditions will be considered in scheduling the sessions :-
F will have first sessions in afternoon
D’s session must be earlier than E’s in the day
B’s session must be earlier than either E’s or F’s
C’s session must immediately precede G’s session
If B is only available at 10:00, in how many ways can session be scheduled
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 6
If switches to the morning session and C takes the 1:00 spot vacated by F, which of the following must be true:
(a) B has the first session of the day
(b) B or F has the second session of the day
(c) B or D has the second session of the day
(d) D or F has the third session of the day
(e) D or G has the last session of the day
If G has the last session of the day, each of the following could be true except:
(a) B has the first session of the day
(b) D has the second session of the day
(c) D has his session at 10:00
(d) E has his session at 10:00
(e) C has his session at 2:00
If C’s session in the day is earlier than F’s, which of the following must be true:
(a) B has first session of the day
(b) C has first session if the day
(c) B has a session at 11:00
(d) G has a session at 11:00
(e) D has a session at 2:00
A group of at least three towns people is to be selected by the mayor to accompany her on a trip to a state capital. There are seven people who are eligible to be chosen1 man, 1 women, 2 boys and 3 girls. In choosing the groups the mayor must adhere To the following conditions:
At least one adult must be chosen
At least one male must be chosen
The group selected cannot include all three males
The group selected cannot include all four females
If the women is chosen at least one girl must be chosen
If all the girls are chosen then who else must be present in the group
(a) No one else
(b) The man
(c) One of the boys
(d) The man and one of the boys
(e) The man , the women and one of the boys
Which of the following could be the complete makeup of the group?
(a) The three girls
(b) Both boys and two of the girls
(c) The women and two of the girls
(d) The women, a boy and two of the girls
(e) The man, both boys and one of the girls
If both adults are chosen then each of the following could be a complete list of the other members of the group EXCEPT:
(a) One boy
(b) One girl
(c) One boy and one girl
(d) Two girls and one by
(e) Two girls
Each of the following statement about the composition of the groups could be true EXCEPT:
(a) There are more males than females
(b) There are more females than males
(c) There are exactly 4 members
(d) There are exactly 5 members
(e) There are exactly 6 members
Answer :
Q:1 (b)       
Q:3 (e)       
Q:4 (e)       
On the first day of school in September, seven new students – A, B, C, D, E, F and G – must be each assigned to a guidance counselor. There are three counselor – R, S and T -and each student is assigned to exactly one of them. In making the assignments the director must adhere to the following conditions :
No counselor can be assigned more than three of the students.
A and B must be assigned to the same counselor.
Neither C nor D can be assigned to same counselor as E or F
F is not assigned to T
If E is assigned to S and F is assigned to R, which of the following can’t be true ?
(a) A is assigned to S
(b) A is assigned to T
(c) B is assigned to R
(d) B is assigned to S
(e) G is assigned to T
If A and C both are assigned to R, which of the  following could be true ?
(a) More students are assigned to S than R
(b) More students are assigned to T than S
(c) Only one student is assigned to S
(d) Only one student is assigned to T
(e) Three students are assigned to T
If B is assigned to S, then which of the following could be true ?
(a) A is assigned to R and C is assigned to T
(b) C is assigned to R and D is assigned to S
(c) C is assigned to R and G is assigned to S
(d) C is assigned to R and D is assigned to T
(e) F is assigned to R and E is assigned to S
If B and S are assigned to the same counselor and at least two students are assigned to each counselor, how many different ways are there to assign the seven students?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
(e) 4
Q:2 (d)       
Answer :
Q:1 (a)       
Q:3 (d)       
Q:5 (b)       
Q:4 (d)       
Q:2 (d)       
A four person congressional committee is to be formed consisting of two senatorsand two representatives. The senators are to be chosen from W, X, Y and Z.
The representatives are to be chosen from P, Q, R and S. The committee will be chosenby vice president subject to the following conditions:
S will not serve on committee unless X does
Y will not serve on committee with Q
The president has decided that Y or Z must be included but neither Y nor Z is willing to serve with other
Which of the following could be the fourth member of the committee that already consists of R, W and Y: 
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) S
(d) X
(e) Z
If neither P nor R is assigned to the committee which of the two senators must be on the committee?
(a) W and Y
(b) X and Y
(c) W and Z
(d) X and Z
(e) Y and Z
Which of the following can be other three members of the committee that includes Y?
(a) P, R, Z
(b) P, S, W
(c) Q, R, X
(d) R, S, X
(e) S, W, X
If the vice president choses S to be on the committee which of the following could Not be on the committee?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) W
(e) X
If Q is chosen to be in the committee and X not chosen then how many different committees can be formed ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 6
A museum curator must arrange nine paintings –F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N and O – in twelve Spaces counted consequently from 1-12. The painting must be in three groups, each group representing a different century. The groups must be separated from each otherby at least one unused wall space. Three of the paintings are from 18th century, two from  19th century and four from the 20th century:
Unused wall spaces cannot occur with in groups
G and J are paintings from the different centuries
J, K and L are the paintings all from same century
Space no. 5 is always empty
F and M are 18th century paintings
N is a 19th century painting
If space 4 is to remain empty, which of the following is true?
(a) Space no. 10 must be empty
(b) The groups of paintings must be hung in chronological order by century
(c) An 18th century painting must be hung in space 3
(d) A 19th century building must be hung in space 1
If the paintings are hung in the reverse chronological order by century, the unused wall spaces could be:
(a) 1,5 and 10
(b) 1,6 and 10
(c) 5,9 and 10
(d) 5,8 and 12
Which of the following is a space that cannot be occupied by the 19th century painting?
(a) Space 1
(b) Space 6
(c) Space 8
(d) Space 11
If J hangs in space 11, which of the following is a possible arrangements forSpaces 8 and 9
(a) F in 8 and M in 9
(b) K in 8 and G in 9
(c) N in 8 and G in 9
(d) 8 unused and H in 9
If the 20th century paintings are hung in spaces 1- 4, which of the following CANNOT be true?
(a) Space 8 is unused
(b) Space 9 is unused
(c) F is hung in space 6
(d) N is hung in space 9
Answer :
Q:1 (c)       
Q:2 (d)       
Q:3 (a)       
Q:4 (d)       
Q:5 (d)       
If first five paintings in the numerical order of spaces are F, O, M, N, G which ofthe following must be true ?
(a) Either space 1 or space 4 is unused
(b) Either space 7 or space 12 is unused
(c) H hangs in space 11
(d) Two unused spaces separate the 18th century and 19th century paintings
Q:6 (a)       
Ten different fabrics are being displayed on rack along one wall of a store. The racksare next to each other in a straight line and are numbered consecutively fromOne to Ten. On each rack is a single bolt of different fabric. One fabric is green, Two fabrics are different shades of brown, three fabrics are different shades of purpleAnd the remaining four fabrics are different shades of red:
Purple fabrics are on rack one and ten
The two brown fabrics are on racks next to each other
No red fabric is on a rack next to a brown fabric
No purple fabric is on a rack next to a green fabric
If a purple fabric is on a rack two and red fabrics are on rack three and four, the green fabric must be in which of the following racks ?
(a) five
(b) six
(c) seven
(d) eight
If the four red fabrics are on four consecutive racks, green fabric and the one brown Fabrics could be on which of the following racks respectively ?
(a) Two and Three
(b) Three and Four
(c) Four and Five
(d) Six and Seven
Which of the following are colors of fabrics that CANNOT be on racks Two, Three and Four, respectively ?
(a) Purple, Red, Green
(b) Purple, Brown, Brown
(c) Brown, Brown, Purple
(d) Red, Red, Green
If a Purple fabric is on rack Three and brown fabric on rack Four, the Green fabricMust be in which of the following racks ?
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Answer :
Q:1 (c)       
Q:2 (d)        
Q:3 (a)       
Q:4 (c)       
The Fairfield Foreign Films Festival plans to show six foreign films one of each from Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, France and Germany. The festival will open on Thursday and close three days later on a Sunday. The each film will be shown onceDuring the festival and the order in which the films will be shown should be confirm To the following conditions:
At least one film will be shown on each day
No more than three films will be shown on two consecutive days
The Belgium film must be shown on Saturday
The Canadian film must be shown on the same day as another film
The French film must be shown on the day before the German film is shown
The Danish film must be shown on the day when the English film is shown
If only one film is shown on Thursday, it could be the entry from which of the following country
(a) Belgium
(b) Canada
(c) Denmark
(d) France
If the Belgian and French film are shown on the same day which of the following must be true ?
(a) The film from Denmark will be shown on Thursday
(b) The film from Denmark will be shown on Friday
(c) The film from Germany will be shown on Thursday
(d) The film from Canada will be shown on Sunday
If the director of the festival decides to show two films on Thursday and two on Sunday. How many films will be eligible to be shown on Friday ?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
If the English and German films are shown on the same day which of the following must be true ?
(a) The film from England will be shown on Thursday
(b) The film from France will be shown on Friday
(c) The film from Canada will be shown on Saturday
(d) The film from Canada will be shown on Sunday
Answer :
Q:1 (d)       
Q:2 (b)       
Q:3 (d)       
Q:4 (d)       
A group of Six engineers are working as a team on a project which in currently wellbehind schedule. To catch up they agreed to work evening sessions for six days from Monday through Saturday. Each evening they will work at the home of a different member of a team. The team consist of three men – J, k and L – and three women P, Q and R. In scheduling when to meet the team member house they agree to the following conditions :
The men and women will alternating the sessions
They will meet at K’s house earlier in the week then the R’s house and meet at P’House earlier in the week than L’s house
Which of the following is an acceptable order from Monday to Saturday for eachteam member to host a work session ?
(a) Q, J, L, P, K, R
(b) J, Q, L, P, K, R
(c) P, J, Q, K, R, L
(d) L, R, J, Q, P, K
If L hosts the Tuesday session, on what day of the week K hosts the session ?
(a) Monday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Thursday
(d) Friday
A Florist has exactly seven varieties of flowers – P, Q, R, S, T, U and V – from which she must select combinations of exactly five varieties with which to make different flower arrangements. Any combination of the five varieties that conform to all of theconditions is acceptable:
If P is used in an arrangement T cannot be used in that arrangement
If Q is used in arrangement then U must also be used in that arrangement
If R is used in an arrangement then T is also be used in that arrangement
Which of the following is an acceptable combination of varieties that the florist can select for arrangement ?
(a) P, Q, S, T, U
(b) P, Q, R, U, V
(c) P, S, T, U, V
(d) Q, R, S ,T, U
If the florist selects the variety R to be included in arrangement, which of the following must be true of that arrangement ?
(a) P is not used
(b) U is not used
(c) Q is used
(d) S is used
If variety P is used in arrangement, which of the following CANNOT be used in that arrangement ?
(a) Q
(b) R
(c) S
(d) U
Answer :
Q:1 (c)       
Q:2 (c)       
If the florist does not select variety V for an arrangement, which of the followingCANNOT be selected ?
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S
Answer :
Q:1 (d)       
Q:2 (a)       
Q:3 (b)       
Q:4 (a)       
Three adults – Roberto, Sarah and Vicky – will be travelling in a van with five children – Freddy, Hilary, Jonathan, Lupe and Marta. The van has a driver seat and one Passenger seat in the front, and two benches behind the front seats, one bench behind The other. Each bench has room for exactly three people. Everyone must is in a seat or On a bench. Seating is subjected to the following conditions:
An adult must sit on each bench
Either Roberto or Sarah must sit in the driver seat
Jonathan must sit immediately beside Marta
Which of the following can sit on the front passenger seat?
(a) Jonathan
(b) Lupe
(c) Roberto
(d) Sarah
(e) Vicky
Which of the following groups of three can sit together on a bench ?
(a) Freddy, Jonathan and Marta
(b) Freddy, Jonathan and Vicky
(c) Freddy, Sarah and Vicky
(d) Hilary, Lupe and Sarah
(e) Lupe, Marta and Roberto
If Freddy sits immediately beside Vicky, Which of the following CANNOT be true ?
(a) Jonathan sits immediately beside Sarah
(b) Lupe sits immediately beside Vicky
(c) Hilary sits in the front passenger seat
(d) Freddy sits on the same bench as Hilary
(e) Hilary sits on the same bench as Roberto
If Sarah sits on a bench that is behind where Jonathan is sitting, which of the followingmust be true ?
(a) Hilary sits in a seat or on a bench that is in front of where Marta is sitting
(b) Lupe sits in seat or on a bench that is in front of where Freddy is sitting
(c) Freddy sits on the same bench as Hilary
(d) Lupe sits on the same bench as Sarah
(e) Marta sits on the same bench as Vicky
Answer :
Q:1 (b)       
Q:2 (d)       
Q:3 (e)       
Q:4 (e)       
The curator of a sculpture garden is planning exhibition. Seven status – F, G, H, J, R, Sand U – are to be exhibited, three on the south lawn, four on the north lawn. Four of thestatues – F, G, H and J – are made of steel, and three – R, S and U – are made of bronze.The curator will satisfy the following requirements in setting up the exhibition:
Each lawn will have at most two statues of bronze placed on it
G cannot be on same lawn as U
H cannot be on the same lawn as R
Which of the following groups can be placed on same lawn ?
(a) F, G, H and U
(b) F, H, S and U
(c) G, H, R and U
(d) G, J, R and U
(e) J, R, S and U
If U and R are placed on the north lawn, which of the following groups must be placedon the south lawn ?
(a) F, G, and H
(b) F, J and S
(c) G, H and S
(d) G, H and U
(e) H, S, and U
If S and U are placed on the south lawn, each of the following must be placed on the north lawn EXCEPT ?
(a) F
(b) G
(c) H
(d) J
(e) R
If S and R are placed on the south lawn, which of the following must also be placed on the south lawn ?
(a) F
(b) G
(c) H
(d) J
(e) U
If G and H are placed on the same lawn, which of the following must also be placed onthe same lawn ?
(a) F
(b) J
(c) R
(d) S
(e) U
If F and G are placed on the north lawn, which of the following groups could be placedon the south lawn ?
(a) H, J and S
(b) H, J and U
(c) H, R and U
(d) J, S and U
(e) R,S and U
Answer :
Q:1 (e)       
Q:2 (c)       
Q:3 (c)       
Q:4 (d)       
Q:5 (d)       
Q:6 (b)       
Five persons – J, K, L, M and O – have gathered to play a game called “ forest andtrees.” Four players play each round with one person sitting out. Rounds are played by two competing teams of two persons each. The players have agreed on the following rules of participations:
No two players can play as a team in two consecutive rounds of the game. After a round is concluded one person from the loosing team in that round must sit out the next round of the game.
After a round is concluded the person who had sat out that round and the person fromthe winning in that round join to form the team that is known as “the forest” for the next round
After a round is concluded one person from the loosing team in that round and one person from the winning team join to form a team that is known as “the trees” for next round
No round of the game can end in a tie
Because L and O are perceived as having the greatest individual strengths as players,L and O can never play in the same team
If in the first round of game, J and O are the winning and L sits out, which of the following must be a team in the second round of that game ?
(a) J and L
(b) K and L
(c) K and M
(d) L and M
(e) M and O
If n the first round of a game K and L are the winning team and J sits out, which of the following could be a team in the second round of that game ?
(a) J and M
(b) J and O
(c) K and L
(d) K and O
(e) M and O
If J and M are the winning team in the first round each of the following could be a member of “the forest” during the second round EXCEPT ?
(a) J
(b) K
(c) L
(d) M
(e) O
If M sits out, each od the following could be a team in the first round EXCEPT ?
(a) J and K
(b) J and L
(c) J and O
(d) K and L
(e) K and L
Answer :
Q:1 (a)       
Q:2 (d)       
Q:3 (b)       
Q:4 (a)       
Four women – G, H, I and J – and four men – R, S, T and U – are the eight people toseated at a rectangular table. Three of the people are to sit on one side of the table,three are to sit on the other side of the table, one is to sit at the head of the tableand one is to sit at the foot of the table. The following restrictions on seating arrangements must be observed :
Persons of the same sex cannot sit next to each other on the same side of the table
U can’t be seated on same side of the table as J
The person seated at the foot can’t be the same sex as seated at the head of the table
T can’t be seated on same side of the table as I
If U is seated at the head and I is seated in the middle seat on one side of the table,which of the following must be true ?
(a) J is seated at the foot of the table
(b) R is seated at the foot of the table
(c) G is seated on the same side as I
(d) S is seated on the opposite side of the table from I
(e) T is seated on the opposite side of the table from I
If J is to be seated at the head of the table, each of the following could be seated at the foot of the table EXCEPT ?
(a) H
(b) R
(c) S
(d) T
(e) U
If S is seated at foot of table, U is seated on an end seat on one side of the table, and I is seated on the other side of the table, where must T be seated ?
(a) At the head of the table
(b) In the middle seat on same side as U
(c) In the end seat on same side as U
(d) In the middle seat on same side as I
(e) In the end seat as the same side of the table as I
If T is seated at the head of the table, R is seated on one side of the table, and I is seatedin the middle seat of the table, which of the following can be true ?
(a) G is seated at the foot of the table
(b) H is seated on the same side of the table as I
(c) J is seated on the same side of the table as I
(d) S is seated on the same side of the table as R
(e) U is seated on the same side of the table as R
If T is seated at the foot of the table, U is seated in the middle of one side the table, andI is seated in the middle seat on other side of the table, which of the following must beseated at the head of the table ?
(a) G
(b) H
(c) J
(d) R
(e) S
Answer :
Q:1 (e)       
Q:3 (a)       
Q:5 (c)       
Q:4 (a)       
Q:2 (a)       

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