Atomic Spectra

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Atomic Spectra

1.______ deals with the study of wavelength and intensity of electromagnetic radiation spectrum emitted or absorbed by atom:

A. Relativity                                                   B. Spectroscopy

C. Radioactivity                                              D. Photoelectric effect

2. Velocity of electron in the first orbit is:

A. 2.19 x 106ms-1                                            B. 2.18 x 107ms-1

C. 2.19 x 107ms-1                                             C. 2.2 x 106ms-1

3. If a mono-atomic gas is ionized then it shows:

A. Line spectrum                                            B. Continuous spectrum

C. Band spectrum                                           D. Visible spectrum

4. Velocity of electron in an orbit is ________to/of principal quantum number:

A. Directly proportional                                  B. Not related

C. Inversely proportional                                D. Proportional to square

5. Normally electron in the hydrogen atom are in the:

A. Ground state                                              B. Ionized state

C. Excited state                                              D. Meta stable state

6. Free electron may have energy:

A. Quantized                                                  B. Half of EO

C. Integral of EO                                             D. Any amount

7. Shortest wavelength of Lyman series is:

A. 91nm                                                          B. 9.1nm

C. 100nm                                                        C. 10nm

8. Radiation with wavelength longer then red light is:

A. Ultra violet             B. X-rays         C. Visible        D. Infrared

9. The excitation energy of an electron to send it to n=∞ is equal to:

A. Potential energy                                         B. Total energy

C. Kinetic energy                                            D. Ionization energy

10. The ratio of kinetic energy and the total energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom is:

A. 1:1                                                              B. 1: -1

C. 1:2                                                              D. 1: -2

11. Which of these series of hydrogen spectrum lies in ultra-violet region is:

A. Paschen series                                            B. Bracket series

C. Pfund series                                                D. Lyman series

12. The ratio of longest and shortest wavelength of Lyman series is:
A. 4/3                                                              B. 9/4

C. 9/5                                                              D. 16/5

13. With increasing quantum number, the energy difference between adjacent level in atoms is:

A. Increase                                                      B. Decrease

C. Remains constant                                       D. Increase only for high Z

14. If L is angular momentum of electron in the 2nd orbit of hydrogen atom then angular momentum in the fourth orbit will be:

A. 2L                                                               B. L/2

C. 3/L                                                              D. L/3

15. Photon of smallest wavelength will be absorbed when transition take place from ______ to ______orbit:

A. 2,6                                                              B. 1,6

C. 3,6                                                              D. 4,6

16. In an electronic transition, atom cannot emit:

A. UV rays                                                      B. Visible light

C. -rays                                                          C. Infrared rays

17. When an electron in hydrogen atom jumps from second orbit to first orbit then energy of photon emitted is:

A. 13.6eV                   B. 3.4eV                      C. 10.2Ev                    D. 10.2V

18. The longest wavelength of radiation for the paschen series is:

A. 1094nm                                                      B. 1875nm

C. 234nm                                                        D. 91nm

19. The value of principle quantum to find maximum of wavelength in Pfund series is

A. 3                                                                 B. 4

C. 5                                                                 D. 6

20. For the hydrogen atom, the ratio  =______ where

= distance between 2nd and 3rd shell and

 = distance between 3rd and 4th shell.

A. 3/4                                                              B. 5/4

C. 3/7                                                              D. 5/7

21. Which postulate of Bohrs Model of hydrogen atom contradict with classical physics?

A. 1st                                                               B. 2nd

C. 3rd                                                               D. All of these

22. The ratio of K.E TO P.E for an electron in 5th shell of hydrogen atom is:

A. 2:1                                                              B. 1:2

C. 5:25                                                            D. 3:4

23. Which one is the example of continuous spectrum?

A. Atomic spectrum                                        B. Molecular spectrum

C. Black body radiation spectrum                  D. None of these

24. The excitation energy of electron is _______ than/to the ionization energy in Hydrogen atom?

A. Greater                                                       B. Less

C. Equal                                                          D. Any of these

25. The Rydberg constant has the dimension:

A. Reciprocal of length                                   B. Reciprocal of wavelength

C. Reciprocal of time                                      C. Both A & B

26. When fast moving electron deeply penetrate into the atom, passes near by the nucleus, X-rays produced are called:

A. Characteristic X-rays                                 B. X-rays of longer wavelength

C. Continuous X-rays                                     D. Both “A” & “B”

27. Who discovered X-rays?

A. Roentgen                                                    B. Rutherford

C. Marie curie                                                 D. Michael Faraday

28. Consider a photon of continuous X-rays coming Coolidge tube. Its energy comes from:

A. K.E of the striking electron                       B. K.E of ions of the target

C. K.E of the free electron of the target         D. An atomic transition in the target

29. The X-rays beam coming from an X-rays tube:

A. Is monochromatic.

B. Has all wavelength smaller than a maximum wavelength.

C. Has all wavelength greater than a certain minimum wavelength.

D. Has all wavelength lying between a minimum and a maximum wavelength.

30. Which of the following X-rays depend upon target material for their speed?

A. Characteristic X-rays                                 B. Continuous X-rays

C. Both “A” & “B”                                         D. None of these

31. The wavelength of continuous X-rays is:

A. Proportional to intensity of incident electron beam.

B. Proportional to temperature of the target.

C. Proportional to intensity of X-rays.

D. Inversely proportional to the energy of electron striking the target.

32. X-rays and -rays both are electromagnetic waves. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The wavelength of X-rays is greater than that of  -rays.

B. The wavelength of X-rays is less than that of  -rays.                              

C.The frequency of -rays is greater than that of X-rays.

D. The frequency of wavelength of X-rays are more than

33. The maximum frequency of X-rays produced by electrons accelerated through V(volt) is proportional to:

A. V                                                                B. V2

C. 1/V                                                             D. 1/V2

34.  characteristic X-rays are produced when electron jumps from:

A. L to K shell                                                            B. M to L shell

C. M to K shell                                               D. None of these

35. Penetrating power of X-rays does not depend on:

A. Wavelength                                                B. Potential difference

C. Energy                                                        D. Current in the filament

36. In an X-rays tube, the intensity of the emitted X-rays beam is increased by:

A. Increasing the filament current                  B. Increasing the target potential

C. Decreasing the filament                             C. Decreasing the target potential

37. X-rays region lies between:

A. Short radio waves and visible region.        B. Gama rays and ultra violet region.

C. Visible and ultra violet region.                   D. Short and long radio waves.

38. The darkening of the film is_______ to radiation exposure.

A. Directly proportional                                  B. Sometime directly sometime inversely

C. Inversely proportional                                D. Neither directly nor inversely

39. In Helium-Neon Laser the simulated emission of photons is due to transition of electrons from energy states:

A. 20.61 eV to 18.70 eV                                B. 20.66 eVto 18.70 eV   

C. 20.66 eV to 19.70 eV                                 D. 22.66 eV to 1.96 eV

40. Which of the following is not an application of LASER?

A. Nuclear fusion                                            B. Cutting

C. Holography                                                D. Nuclear fission

41. In Helium Neon laser active medium is:

A. Ne gas                                                        B. He gas

C. H gas                                                          D. Br gas

42. Red laser light emitted in He-Ne laser have energy:

A. 1.90 eV                                                      B. 1.92 eV

C. 1.86 eV                                                       D. 1.96 eV

43. Which type of emission in He-Ne laser initiate the laser action:

A. Spontaneous emission from He

B. Stimulated emission from He

C. Spontaneous emission from Ne

D. Stimulated emission from Ne

44. Which of the following kind of mirrors are used in laser tube:

A. Totally reflecting                                        B. Partially transparent

C. Both “A” & “B”                                         D. None of these

45. The _____ of the laser beam seals of capillaries and lymph vessels to prevent spread of the diseases

A. Speed                                                         B. Momentum

C. Intensity                                                     D. Heat

ANSWER KEY (Worksheet-34)

1          B         11        D         21        A         31        D         41        A

2          A         12        A         22        B         32        A         42        D

3          A         13        B         23        C         33        A         43        C

4          C         14        A         24        B         34        C         44        C

5          A         15        B         25        D         35        D         45        D

6          D         16        C         26        D         36        A

7          A         17        C         27        A         37        B

8          D         18        B         28        A         38        A

9          D         19        D         29        D         39        B

10        B         20        D         30        D         40        D

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