Chapter # 1

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Chapter # 1

1. 16g of Hz reacts with 16g of Oz. The mass of H20 formed will be :

a) 36g b) 99

Sc) 18g d) 32g

2. 0.5 moles of Mg have same number of atoms :

a) 12g of carbon b) 24g of oxygen

c) 60g of calcium d) 16g of sulphur

3. A gas having mass 7.5g occupies volume 5.6 liters at STP. The gas is :

a) CO b) NO

c) CO2 d) N20

4.0.5 molar solution of sucrose has 100 cm? volume of water solution, the mass of sucrose

dissolved in the solution is (molar mass of sucrose = 342) :

a)17.1g b) 17.59

c) 16.59 d) 17.0g

5. The quantitative relationship between reactants and products in a balance chemical equation is called :

a) Stoichiometry o) Dilatometry

C) Spectrometry d) Refractromeiry

6. The efficiency of a chemical reaction is determined by :

a) Theoretical yield b) Actual yield

c) Activation energy d) Percentage yield

7. 21g of CaO is obtained by roasting 50g of CaCOs. What will be the percentage yield of CaO

a) 25% b) 50%

c) 75% d) 60%

8. A mixture of 5ml of CHs and 10ml of C2H¢ wil produce amount of CO2 on complete combustion :a) a)15 ml b) 25m

c) 35m d) 45m

9. 40 cm? of H2 react with 40 cm3 of O2. What will be the volume of reactants and products present in the vessel after the completion of reaction:

a) 20 cm? b) 40 cm?

c) 50 cm? d) 60 cm?

10. Which of the following makes actual yield less than theoretical yield :

a) Filtration b) Distillation

c) Side reactions dd) All of these

11. 18g of glucose contains number of hydrogen atoms :

a) 3.6 x 1023 b) 6.3 x 1023

c) 2.7 x 1023 d) 7.2 x 1023

12. How many atoms are present in one mole of water

a) 3.0 x1023 b) 2.4 x 1023

c) 6.02 x 1023 d) 1.8 x 10%4

13. In an experiment 4g of H. combines with 40g of O: to form 36g of H20. The limiting reactant in this reaction is :

a) H: b) O2

c) H20 d) H. and Oo

14. A beaker contains 18g of water than which of the following is incorrect :

a) T1Na HO molecule b) TNa H atoms

c) TNa O atoms d) 2 Na H atoms

15. 27g of Al react completely with how much mass Of O: to produce AL:0:s :

a) 8g of oxygen b) 32g of oxygen

c) 16g of oxygen dd) 24g of oxygen

16. How many grams of nitrogen gas is present in 5.6 dm? at STP :

a) 289 b) 149

 c)79 d) 0.25¢g

17. How many moles of chlorine atoms are present in 0.99g of C2H4Cl2:

a) 0.01  b)0.0178 

c)0.02 d) 0.75

18. Mass in grams of 2.74 moles of KMnOa:

a) 158.29 b) 296.49

c)432.92g d)1416.2g

19. The percentage of phosphorous in (NH4)2HPO4 is:

a) 21.21%  b) 23.48%

C) 26.96% d) 28.81%

20. How many moles are present in 52g of aspartame (Ci4H1sN205)?

a) 0.177 b) 0.36

c)1.2 d) 0.54

21. The number of moles of CO: which contains 8g of oxygen:

a) 0.50 0)1.0

c) 0.25 d) 1.50

22. When lime stone (CaCO:as) is roasted, quicklime (CaO) is produced according to the following equation. The actual yield of CaO is 0.5kg when 1kg of lime stone is roasted. What is the percentage yield of this reaction? CaCO: —-CaO + CO:

a) 89.3% b) 85.2%

c) 80.1% d) 87.3%

23. One mole of (NH4)2HPO4 contains moles of hydrogen atoms:

a) 1 b) 5

c) 6 d) 9

24. The total volume of 0.5g of Hz, 16g of Oz and 7.0g of N2 present in a mixture at STP is?

a) 2.4 dm®  b) 0.224 dm3

c) 22.4dm3 d) 11.2 dm3

25. If we want to make 264g of ammonium sulphate by reacting ammonia with sulphuric acid, how much ammonia will be needed?

 a) 34g b) 68g

c) 389 d) 17g

26. What happens if the strength of electric field (E) is increased by keeping magnetic field (H) constantin (m/e = H*r*/2E) :

a) Radius decreases b) Radius remains constant

c) Deflection decreases dd) Deflection increases

27. Molecular ions can be formed by passing:

a) Beam of electrons b) Aloha particles

Cc) X-Rays d) All of these

28. How many atoms of nitrogen are present in 120g of urea?

a) 6.02 x 1023 b) 3.01 x 10%3

c) 2.40 x 10%* d) 1.2 x 10%

29. In the following table percentage abundance of different isotopes of boron (B) is given, what will be the average atomic mass (mass number) of boron? ( Isotopic mass of boron B-10 B-11, Relative abundance 20% 79.99% )

a) 10.81 Db) 10 Cc) 9.86 d) 11.2

30. N2 and CO have same number of:

a) Electrons b) Protons

c) Neutrons d) All of these

31. In mass spectrometry which of the following formula is used to determine m/e of the isotope:

a) H?r? | 2E b) Hr? / E

SIRE Hr d) H?r/ E

32. In combustion analysis CO: is absorbed in aqueous solution of:

a) 50% KOH b) 10% NaOH

Cc) Mg(ClOa4)2 d) Ba(OH):

33. Isobars differ in number of:

a) Protons b) Neutrons

c) Electrons d) All of these

34. 1 amu is equal to:

a) 1.661x 10~%*kg b) 1.661 x 107%° g

c) 1.661 x 10726 g d) 1.661 x 107%” kg

35. A compound has 50% of sulphur and 50% of oxygen by mass, its empirical formula will be:

a) SO Db) SOs

c) SO: d) S203

36. Which one of the following is not a molecular ion?

a) Cot b) CH4™

c) P0473 d) N2t

37. Which of the following pairs of elements are isotones to each other?

a) 14C and 160 b) 20Ne and 35CI|

Cc) 24Mg and 40Ca d) 4He and 11B

38. Which of the following has highest percentageof oxygen by weight?

a) CHsOH  b) C:H50H 

c) HCOOH  d) HzO

39. Molecular mass of ascorbic acid is 176g, its molecular formula will be if the simplest whole number ratio of C, H and O is 3:4:3:

a) CsHsOs b) CsHsO:

c) Ci2H20m d)CH20

40. In mass-spectrometer the potential difference of volts is applied between perforated accelerating plates.

a) 500 — 1000 b) 500 – 2000

c) 500 — 2500 d) 1000 —- 3000

41. In mass-spectrometer the separation of isotopes can be done by which of the following methods:

a) Gaseous diffusion b) Distillation

c) Ultracentrifugation d) All of these

42. A sample of 0.6 mole of a metal ‘M’ reacts completely with excess of fluorine to form 46.8g of MF2. Which metal is represented by the symbol of ‘M’?

a) Cr b) Mg

c) Ca d) Mn

43. The percentage of nitrogen by mass in HNO3 is:

a) 34.6% b)222%

 c)31.5% dd) 123%

44. A compound having empirical formula CH: and its molecular weight is 56g the molecular formula of the compound will be:

a) CaH2 b) CsH4

c) C4Hs d) CaHio

45. A compound contains two elements X and Y. Percentage of X is 20% (At.wt = 40) and that of Y is 80% (At.wt = 80). The empirical formula of the compound will be:

a) XaY  b) XaY

c) XY2 d) XY

46. One mole of H2SO4 contains:

a) 6.022 x 10%3 atoms of hydrogen

b) 3.011 x 1043 atoms of sulphur

c) 2.4088 x 10** atoms of oxygen

d) 2.4088 x 10%* molecules of oxygen

47. The number of isotopes which have even atomic number and even mass number found in nature is:

a) 154 b) 280

c) 300 d) 240

48. The mass specirum of lead is shown What quantities are represented by x-axis and y-axis? Opt. X-axis y-axis

a) Mass number Relative abundance

b) Mass number Atomic number

c) Atomic number Height of peak

d) Atomic number Mass number

49. Mark the incorrect statement about isotopes of an element:

a) An element with odd atomic number has two isotopes

b) All the elements occur in nature in the form of isotopes

c) The number of isotopes having odd number is 89

d) The property of an element mostly corresponds to that Isotope which has greater relative abundance

50. In the combustion analysis of organic compound, which of the following elements is estimated by the difference method:

a) of Cb) % of O

c) % of H d) % of N

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