Chapter # 4

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 Chapter # 4


1. Which of the following does not match?

A) H20 and Na+ —Ilon Dipole force

B) CH3COCH3 and CH3COCHS3 — Dipole-Dipoleforce

C) HCI and Ar — Dipole-Dipole force

D) C6H1206 and H20 — Hydrogen Bonding

2. London Dispersion forces are the only forces present among the:

A) Molecules of water in state

B) Atoms of helium in gaseous state at high temperature

C) Molecules of solid iodine

D) Molecules of hydrogen chloride gas

3. Which of the following  s has higher boiling point?

A) Propane B) Phenol

C) Benzene D) Ethanol

4. In crystal lattice of ice, each O-atom of water molecule is attached to:

A) Four H-atoms B) Two H-atoms

C) One H-atom D) Three H-atoms

5. Which of the following compound does not shows hydrogen bonding?

A) Chloroform B) Ethanol

C) Water D) Acetaldehyde

6. When large amount of heat is supplied to water at constant pressure then?

A) Boiling point of water decreases

B) Boiling point of water increases

C) Boiling point of water remains constant

D) Boiling point of water first increases then decreases

7. Which of the following factors has no effect on vapour pressure of a  ?

A) Amount of B) Volume of  

C) Surface area D) All of these

8. NH3 shows a maximum boiling point among the hydrides of VA group elements due to:

A) Very small size of nitrogen

B) Lone pair of electrons present on nitrogen

C) Enhanced electronegative character of nitrogen

D) Pyramidal structure of NH3

9. Mark the correct statement about enthalpy change:

A) AHv > AHs > AHf B) AHf > AHv > AHf

C) AHs > AHv > AHf D) AHv > AHf > AHs

10. When water freezes at 00C, its density decreases due to?

A) Cubic structure of ice

B) Change of bond length

C) Empty spaces present in the structure of ice

D) Change of bond angles

11. Which of the following is the most accurate method to measure vapour pressure of a?

A) Manometric method only

B) Barometric method only

C) Both barometric and manometric methods

D) Difficult to predict

12. Which of the following is not a property of crystals?

A) Same crystalline shape

B) Same atomic ratio

C) Same chemical properties

D) Same geometry of anions

13. Which of the following factors affect surface tension?

A) Temperature

B) Intermolecular forces

C) Both Aand B

D) Neither AnorB

14. All of the following are the advantages of vacuum distillation EXCEPT?

A) Reduction of fuel consumption

B) Prevention from decomposition

C) Early distillation

D) None of these

15. At Mount Everest water boils at 690C the external pressure will be:

A) 323torr B) 760torr

C) 700torr D) 100torr

16. Critical temperature of a gas is always melting point.

A) Equal to B) Greater than

C) Less than D) Three times greater than

17. All of the following molecules show hydrogen bonding EXCEPT:

A) HF molecules B) Acetone and chloroform molecule

C) Water molecules D) HCI molecules

18. In which of the following pair of compounds ion-dipole forces exist?

A) Sugar in water B) Bromine in benzene

C) Sodium chloride in water D) Ethanol in water

19. Hydrogen bonding links one spiral (DNA) to the other. In which of the following

elements there is strongest hydrogen bonding present:

A) Cand HB) N and H

C)OandH D)OandN

20. Which of the following  s shows greater boiling point?

A) Acetone B) Diethyl ether

C) Glycerol D) Water

21. Which of the following is more volatile? 

A) NE B) HBr


27. Which of the following  s has minimum vapour pressure?

A) Methanal B) Ethanal

C) Propanal D) Ethanol

22. The spontaneous change of a into its vapours is called evaporation. Identify the incorrect statement about evaporation:

A) It is natural and continuous B) it is exothermic

C) It causes cooling D) It is surface phenomenon

24. All of the following statements are correct EXCEPT:

A) Among hydrides of VIA group H2S has lowest boiling point

B) Among hydrides of VIIA group HCI has lowest boiling point

C) Among hydrides of VA group PH3 has lowest boiling point

D) Among hydrides of IVA group SnH4 has lowest boiling point

25. Which one of the following is not type of crystals?

A) Smectic B) Systematic

C) Nematic D) Chloesteric

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