Chapter # 5

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 Chapter # 5

Atomic Structure

1. Splitting of spectral lines, when atom is subjected to strong electric field is called:

A) Zeeman effect B) Stark effect

C) Photoelectric effect D) Compton effect  

7. Rutherford’s model of atom failed because:

A) The atom did not have a nucleus and electrons

B) It did not account for the attraction between protons and neutrons

C) It did not account for the stability of the atom

D) There is actually no space between the nucleus and the electrons

3. Which of the following elements does not obey Aufbau principle in electronic configuration?

A)B B) Cu


4. There are ___ distinct series lies in hydrogen spectrum:



5. Continuous spectrum is the property of matter in:

A) Bulk B) Very small amount

C) Small amount D) Both A and B

6. Neutrons have all of the following properties EXCEPT:

A) They cannot ionize gases

B) They are used for the fusion nuclear reactions

C) They have more penetrating power than a- and B-rays

D) They do not deflect neither to positive pole nor to negative pole of electric field

7. Which of the following has the same number of Electrons as that of a-particles?

A) Li+ B) H+

C) He+ D) Be+2

8. Which of the following gas have highest e/m ratio?

A) Hydrogen B) Helium

C) Nitrogen D) Oxygen

9. Which of the following orders with respect to relative energy isincorrect?

A) 2s<2p B)2p<3p

C)3p<3d D) 4d < 3s

10. After filling the 4s subshell the entering electron goes into:

A) 4p B) 5s

C) 3d D) 4f

11. Consider the following nuclear reaction: 4912246 He +Be C+…….. ( a-particle) Which of the following is produced in the above nuclear reaction?

A)Neutron B) Positron

C) Proton D) Neutrino

12. Which of the following elements has greater first electron affinity?

A) B B)O

C) D)C

13. Bohr’s model of atom is contradicted by:

A) Wave nature of electron

B) Pauli’s exclusion principle

C) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

D) Planck’s quantum theory

14. Which of the following ions has more electrons than protons and more protons than neutrons?

A) D-1 B) OH-

C) He+ D) OX-

15. With the increase of value of principal quantum number (n), the shape of the s-orbitals remain same although their sizes:

A) Increase B) Decrease

C) Remain the same D) May or may remain the same

16. De-Broglie’s wavelength of an electron traveling with speed of light is:

  1. 2.42×10-4 B) 2.42×10-2
  2. C) 1.24 x 10-5 D) 2.42 x 10-10

17. Which of the following has maximum number of unpaired electrons?

A) Fe+3 B) Zn+2

C) Ni+2 D) Cu+

18. Distribution of electrons in a set of degenerate orbitals can be explained by:

A) Pauli’s exclusion principle B) Hund’s rule

C) (n +1) rule D) Aufbau principle

19. According to (n +1) rule. Which one of the following has the highest energy?

A) 2s B) 3s

C) 3p D)2p

20). The value of azimuthal quantum number when the value of n = 3:

A)0,1,3 B) 1

C) 0,1 D)0,1,2

21. How many unpaired electrons are in the 3d sub-shell of an element with atomic number (Z = 24)?

A) 2 B)3

C) D)5

27. Electronic configuration of nitrogen is:

A) 1s2,2s2, 2px 1L, 2py 1, 2pz

B) 1s2, 2s2, 2px 11, 2py 11, 2pz |

C) 1s2,2s2, 2px 1, 2py 1, 2pz

D) 1s2,2s2, 2px 11, 2py 11, 2pz 11

23. Which one of the following elements has least number of electrons in M-shell?

A) Sc B) Mn

C) Ni D)K

24. According to Bohr’s atomic model the radius of hydrogen atom is 0.53A0 . What will be the radius of Li+2 ion?

A) 0.57A B) 0.99A

C)0.17A D) 1.27A

75. The wave number of the light emitted by a certain source is 2 2 106m -1. The wavelength of this light will be:

  1. 500nm B) 500m
  2. C) 350nm D) 200nm

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