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Dawn of Modern Physics

41. If a proton and an alpha particle are accelerated by same voltage, then the ratio of wavelengths associated with them is:

A. 4:1                                                                          
B. 2:1
C. 2 √2:1                                                                 
D. 8:1

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C. 2 √2:1

42. Compton’s shift is equal to Compton’s wavelength at scattering angle of:

A. 0ï‚°                                                                    
B. 90ï‚°
C. 180ï‚°                                                                
D. 45ï‚°

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B. 90ï‚°

43. Electron microscope uses nature of electron:

A. Wave                                                          
B. Particle
C. Wave and particle                                       
D. None of these

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A. Wave

44. An electron is placed in a box of about the size of an atom i.e., about 1ï‚´10-10 m. What is the uncertainty in its? position?

A. 10-5 m                                                                   
B. 10-10 m
C. 10-15 m                                                                 
D. Cannot be predicted

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B. 10-10 m

45. A resolution of _____________ is possible with a _____________ electron microscope.

A. 10 nm, 50 kV                                                 
B. 0.5 to 1 nm, 30 kV
C. 1 nm, 30 kV                                                   
D. 0.5 to 1 nm, 50 kV

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D. 0.5 to 1 nm, 50 kV

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