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1. The study of charge at rest under the action of electric forces is called

A. Electromagnetic

B. Electrostatic 

C. Electricity

D. None of these

2. The existence of an object is primarily because of:

A. Magnetic force                            

B. Eclectic force 

C. Gravitational force                      

D. Nuclear Force

3. Which one is sure test for the presence of charge on a body?

A. Attraction

B. Repulsion

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

4. Coulomb’s force:

A. Obeys invers square law

B. Depends on magnitude of charge

C. Depends on medium between charge

D. All of these

6. Conventionally attractive force between charges is taken as _________ and repulsive force is taken as____________.

A. Positive, Positive

B. Positive, Negative

C. Negative,

D. Negative, Negative Positive

7. If the magnitude of both charges is double and distance between them is halved then eclectic force becomes?

A. 4 times

B. 8 times

C. 16 times

D. 2 times

12.  Two point charge exert a force of 20 N when a dielectric of dielectric constant “2” is present between them. If the dielectric is removed keeping all the other parameters same, what is the force now?

A. 40 N

B. 20 N

C. 10 N D. 5 N

13. Electric field due to point charge depend upon

A. Magnitude of charge

B. Distance from charge

C. Medium in which charge is placed

D. All of these

14. Two positive charge q = 16 and q = 4 C are separated by a distance of 3 m. The distance of zero field spot form smaller charge is:

A. 1 m

B. 2 m

C. 3 m

D. 4 m

15. The zero field spot in case of two unequal and opposite charge exit:

A. Between the charge at mid-point

B. Between the charge but closer to smaller charge

C. Both A and B

D .All of these

16. The ratio of electric force to electric field strength gives the unit of:

A. Current

B. Charge

C. Time

D. Non of these

17. In photocopier the drum is given __________ charge and toner is given __________ charge

A. Positive, Negative

C. Negative, Positive

B. Positive, Positive

D. Negative , Negative

22. The flux passing though a closed surface does not depend on:

A. Charge enclosed

B. Medium present between charge and surface

C. Shape of surface

D. Both A and B

26. An electric field can deflect:

A. X-rays

B. Neutrons

C. A-

D. Y-rays particles

28. A positive point charge Q is brought near an isolated metal cube, Which of the following is correct?

A. The cube becomes negatively charged

B. The cube becomes positively charged

C. The interior becomes positively charged and the surface becomes negatively charged

D. The interior remain charge free and the surface get non-uniform charge distribution

29. A hollow sphere of charge does not produce an electric field at any:

A. Interior point

B. point 1 m from surface

C. Outer point

D. Non of these

31. The work in carrying a unit positive charge from one point to other in electric field keeping the charge in equilibrium is called

A. Electric potential energy

B. Electric potential difference

C. Electric field strength

D. Non of these

33. Which statement is true for two oppositely charged metal plates

A. Electric field is constant between plates

B. The gradient of potential w.r.t space between plates is constant between plates

C. Electric potential is zero at mind-point of plates

D. All of these

34. The negative of potential gradient is called __________.

A. Electric potential

B. Electric intensity 

C. Electric energy                          

D. Non of these

35. If potential difference between two oppositely charged plates is doubled and distance between them is halved then electric field is:

A. Doubled

B. Halved

C. Increased by 3 times

D. Increased by 4 times

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