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Age Questions

Key Facts

Let Mr. Ali’s age is x years then:

Present Age=x


  1. Age after two years = x + 2
  2. His age 4 years later = x +4
  3. His age 5 years hence = x+5

And Also,

  1. Ali’s age 4 years ago =x-4
  2. Ali’s age 10 years before =x-10
  3. Ali’s age 5 years back = x-5
    1. If ‘A’ is 4 years older than ‘B’ then, A =B+4
    1. If ‘A’ is 4 years younger than ‘B’ then, A=B-4


A man’s age is three times his son’s. In 15 years it will be double that of his son’s. How old is the son now?

(a)30                b) 15

(c) None         (d) 45


C’s mother was four times as old as C ten years ago. After 10 years she will be twice as old as C is Now. How old C is now?

(a)15                (b) 30

(c) 20               (d) 25


A mother’s age after 5 years, will be twice the age of her daughter. The difference of their ages is 19. What is the age of mother?

(a)13                (b) 33

(c) 45               (d) 42


The product of the ages of two class fellows is 24. If the greater fellow is 3/2 times the smaller one, then the age of the smaller fellow is:

  • 8
    • 4
    • 6
    • 2


The ages of X and Y are in the ratio 7:4. If the sum of their present ages is 55, then the age of X is:

  • 20
  • 30
  • 35


The ratio of A’s age and B’ age is 3:7, and the difference of their ages is 16 years. Find the age of B.

  1. 25.                          c) 36
    1. 28.                          d)27

Q #10

The ages of A and B are in 2:5 and C is 7 years older than A. If the sum of ages is 88 then find the age of B.

a)40 years                    b)43 years

c) 45 years                   d)49 years

Word Problems


Jawad’s weekly salary is $70 less than Pasha’s, which is $50 more than Maria’s. If Maria earns $280 per week, how much does Jawad earn per week?

  • $160
    • $280
    • $260
    • $300

Q #8

Sana has 100 dollars more than Reeha. After Sana spends 20 dollars on groceries, she has 5 times as much money as Reeha has. How much money does Reeha has?

  • $10
  • $15
  • $20
  • $30

Q #11

If a man earns $200 for his first 40 hours of work and is paid 3/3 times his regular hourly rate for every additional hour. How many hours must he work to make $300 in a week?


(b) 44

(c) 53.33

d). 54.33


In a Math test, there were 60 problems, which were to be in 1 hour. A student solves 30 problems in 20 minutes, how many seconds does he have on average for solving each of the remaining problems.

  • 50
  • 60
  • 80
  • 90

Q #17

A painter charges Rs120 per hour and his son charges half of his charges. One day, the son worked 2 hours more than father and thus they collectively earned Rs480. The time consumed by the son is:

  • 2
  • 4
  • 3
  • 5


In a 3 hour examination of 310 questions, there are 50 math problems. If twice as much time should be allowed for each problem of math as for each of the other questions, how many minutes should be spent on the math problems?


(b) 50

(c) 62

  • 68

Q #19

Anwar has twice as many cards as Akram has. If Anwar gives Akram 12 of his cards, he will have half as many as Akram has. How many cards Anwar and Akram have together?


(b) 48

(c) 60

 d). 72

Q #23

A street vendor sells two types of newspapers, one newspapers did she sell at 25 cents?For 25 cents and the other for 40 cents. If she sold 100 newspapers for 28 dollars, how many

  • 80
  • 90
  • 85
  • 95


Key Facts

To Convert a Fraction into a Percent

To convert any fraction L/m to rate percent,

M multiply it by 100 and put % sign i.e., L/m × 100%


Express as percentage. 8

  • 67.5%
  • 97.5%
  • 78.5%
  • 87.5%

Key Facts

To convert a Percent into a Fraction

To convert a percent into a fraction, drop the percentage sign and divide the number by 100.


6 ×2/3% expressed as a fraction in its lowest Form is

  • 2/15

(b) 3/20

(c) 2/15

d) 1/20

Key Facts

To find a percentage of a given number : X% of given number N is X/100 x N


37% of Rs. 48 is?

  • Rs. 20
  • Rs. 16
  • Rs. 14
  • Rs. 18


If 200% of a number is 90, then what is the 80% of that number?

  • 48
  • 24
  • 36
  • None of these

Key Facts

To express a given quantity X as Percentage of Y

X  is what percent of Y. Use X/Y × 100%

Q# 10

What percent of 2/7 is 1/35 ?

  • 15%
  • 18 %
  • 10%
  • 12%

Q# 26

1 quintal 25 kg is what percent of 1 metric Tone?

  • 16×1/2,%
  • 12.5%
  • 8× 1/2%
  • 6.5%

Percentage Increase and Percentage Decrease

Key Facts

Percentage increase = Net increase / Orignal value X 100%

Q# 28

The price of a newspaper rises from 5 cents to 15 cents. What is the percent increase in price?

  • 50%
  • 100%
  • 75%
  • 200%

Key Facts

Percentage decrease = Net decrease / Orignal value X 100%

Q# 29

Value of a house decrease from Rs. 250000 to > Rs. 200000. What is the percentage decrease in the value?

  • 20%
  • 25%
  • 30%
  • 35%

Increased Value and Decreased Value

Key Facts

To get K % increase in a value P, Multiply P By (100+K) %.

So, New Increased Value = (100+K)% P


 Question 8

Price of a quantity increased by 15%. Find new price, if its original price was 140?

  • 150
  • 125
  • 161
  • 155

Key Facts

To get K % decrease in a value P, Multiply P by (100-K) %.

So, New Decreased Value = (100-K)% P

Example Question 9

Price of an automobile is decreased by 25% in one year. Find its current price if its original price was 750,000?

  • 565000
  • 725,000
  • 652,000
  • 562,500

Remember That:

  • Increase or decrease is always calculated with respect to original value. K% increase followed by K % decrease never gives the original value but always lesser than original value.
  • K% decrease followed by K% increase never gives the original value, but always lesser than the original value.
  • Value of a% increase followed by b% increase is always greater than (a+b)% increase.
  • Value of a% decrease followed by b decrease is always less than (a+b)% decrease.


A number is increased by 20% and then decreased by 20%, the final value of the number is?

  • Does not change
  • Decreases by 2%
  • Increases by 4%
  • Decreases by 4%


A man’s wages were decreased by 50%. Again, the reduced wages were increased by 50%. He has a loss of:

  • 35%
  • 20%
  • 25%
  • None of these

Miscellaneous Problems

Key Facts

If the price of a commodity increases by p %, then the reduction in the consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is (p/100+p x 100)%

Q #43

The price of cooking oil has increased by 15%. The percentage of reduction that a family should effect in the use of cooking oil so as not to increase the expenditure on this account is:

  • 15×2/3%
    • 17× 1/23 %
    • 13× 1/23%
    • None of These

Key Facts

If the price of a commodity decreases by p%, then the increase in the consumption so as not to decrease the expenditure is (P/ 100-p × 100)%

Q #44

If the price of apples goes down by 10%, find the percentage of increase that a family should

Effect in its consumption so as not to decrease expenditure on this account is:

  • 13%
  • 115%
  • 15%
  • 10%

Q # 55

If the length and breadth of a square is increased by 30% and 20% respectively. The area of the rectangle so formed is exceeds the area of the square by:

  • 56%
    • 46%
    • 36%
    • 26%

Q #56

In measuring the sides of a rectangle, one side is taken 10% in excess and other in 20% in deficit. Find the error percent in area calculated from the measurement.

  • 12 % deficit
  • 36 % excess
  • 10% deficit
  • None of these

Q # 52

The radius of a sphere is increased by 10%. The surface area increased by:

  • 11 %
  • 31%
  • 21%
  • 41%

Profit And Loss

Cost Price

The cost price of an article is the price at which an article has been purchased. It is abbreviated as C.P.

Selling Price

The selling price of an article is the price at which article will be sold. It is abbreviated as S.P.

Profit or Gain

If the selling price of an article is more t cost price, there is a gain or profit. S.P>C.P

Profit or Gain=S.P.-C.P.


If the cost price of an article is greater than the selling price. The seller suffers a loss. C.P>S.P

Loss =C.P.-S.P.


That profit and loss are always calculated with respect to the cost price of the item genrated

Example 1

  • If C.P. = Rs 235, S.P. = Rs 240, then profit=?

     (ii)If C.P. = Rs 116, S.P. = Rs 107, then loss =?


  • Profit=S.P.-C.P. = 240-235= Rs. 5

(ii)Loss C.P.-S.P.-116-107 = Rs. 9

Key Facts

Profit %= Profit/C.P X 100

Loss %= Loss /C.P X 100


Ejaz purchased a bicycle for Rs5200 and spent Rs800 on its repairs. He had to sell it for Rs 5500. Find his profit or loss percent.

  • 8 1/3%
  • 9%
  • 7.5%
  • None of these


Tahir bought 200 dozen oranges at Rs10 a dozen. He spent Rs 500 on transportation. He sold them at Rs 1 each. What was his profit or loss percent?

  • 4%
  • 6%
  • 5%
  • None of these

Key Facts

  • When the cost price and gain percent are given, S.P= (100+ Gain) % XC.P
  • When the selling price and gain percent are given, C.P.= S.P / (100+ Gain) %

Q #10

A shopkeeper bought an article for Rs12 and sold at profit of 10%. What is sellin price of the article?

  • 130
  • 140
  • 132
  • None of These

Q #13

By selling an article for Rs84 shopkeepe earns 12% profit. What was cost price of th article?

  • Rs 70
  • Rs 75
  • Rs 72
  •  Rs 80

Key Facts

❖When the cost price and loss percent are given, S.P.(100 – Loss) % XC.P

  • When the selling price and gain percent are given, C.P. = S.P /(100 – Loss) %

Q #24

Asad buys a camera for Rs1800 and sell it at 10% loss. Find its selling price.

  • Rs 1620
  • Rs 17
  • None of these
  • Rs 1650

Q #25

A shopkeeper loss 7% by selling a cricket Ball for Rs 31. For how much should he sell the ball so gain 5%?

  • Rs 50
  • Rs 65
  • Rs 35
  • None of these

Q #28

A man sold an article at a loss of 20%. If he sells the article for Rs.12 more, he would have gained 10%. The cost price of the article is

  • Rs 60
  • Rs 40
  • Rs 30
  • Rs 22

Q #17

Zafar bought a $60 radio on sale 5% off. How much did he pay including 5 % sales tax?

  • $54.15
  • $57.75
  • $60

(d) $59.85

Q #29

The mark price of an article is 10% more than the cost price and a discount of 10% is given on the marked price. In this kind of sale, the seller

  • Bears no loss no gain
  • Gain 1%
  • Loss 1%
  • None of these

Simple and Compound Interest


When a person A borrows some money from another person B, then A has to pay certain amount to B for the use of this money. This amount paid by A is called interest. >


The total amount of money borrowed by A from B is called the principal amount.

Amount = Principal+ Imterest


A specific amount is usually charged on principal amount for a fixed period of time, this amount is called rate of interest.


The fixed period may be a year, six months, Three months or a month and correspondingly the rate of interest is charged annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly.


The rate of interest is 5% per annual the interest payable on Rs 100 for one month is Rs.5


  • Simple Interest
  • Compound interest


When the interest is payable on the principal > only, it called simple interest.


Simple interest on Rs 100 at 5% per annum will be Rs 5 each year, that is, at the end of first year total amount will be Rs 105 at the second year it will be 110 and so on.


If, P= Principal Amount

R = Rate of Interest annually

N = Number of Years

I= Simple Interest

A=The Amount, where A=P+I, then:

Simple Interest = Principal ×  Rate × Time  /100


Find the simple interest on $500/- for 9 months at 6 percent per month?

  • $225
  • $265
  • $270
  •  $290

Practice Question #1


The sum of money that will produce Rs 1770 interest in 7.5 years at 8% simple interest per Annum is

  • Rs 2950
  • Rs 3120\
  • Rs 2800
  • Rs 3000


If Rs 500 amounts to Rs 725 at 9% simple interest in some time, what will Rs 600 amount to at 11% in the same time?

  • Rs 870
  • Rs 930
  • Rs 910
  • Rs 920


A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 4 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs 56 more. Find the sum. <

  • Rs 680
  • Rs 700
  • Rs 720
  • Rs 740

Q # 10

At what rate percent on simple interest will $750 amount to $900 in 5 years?

  • 5%
  • 4%
  • 2.5%
  • 3.5%

Q #11

What is the rate percent when the simple interest on $800 amounts to $160 in 4 years?

  • 2.5%
  • 3%
  • 4.5%
  • 5%


  • The interest for each period is added to the principle before interest is calculated for the next period.
    • With this method the principal grows as the interest is added to it.


Mehreen invested Rs 8000 for 3 years at 5% CI in a post office. If the interest is compounded once in a year, what sum will She get after 3 years?

  • Rs 9261
  • Rs 8265
  • Rs 9365
  • 9368


What will be the amount if a sum of Rs 5000 is placed at compound interest for 3 years while rate of interest for the first, second and > third years is 2, 3 and 4 percent, respectively?

  • Rs 5643.12
  • Rs 5463.12
  • Rs 3413.1
  • Rs 5470.12


A sum put out at 4% compound interest payable half-yearly amounts to Rs 6632.55 in 1.5 years. The sum is:

  • Rs 6530
  • Rs 6250
  • Rs 6470
  • Rs 6575


The compound interest on Rs 10000 at 20% per annum at the end of 1 year 6 months if the interest is calculated half-yearly will be:

  • Rs 5320

(b)Rs 3310

  • Rs 4340
  • Rs 5000



If n is a natural number, then the largest number dividing (n³ – n) is:

  • 2
  • 3
  • 12
  • 6


If a and b are odd numbers, then which of the following is even?

  • A + b
  • ab
  • A + b + 1
  • Ab + 2

Q #26

If y and z are integers and the sum of yz and z is odd, which of the following is true?

  1. Y and z are even
    1. Y is odd and z is even

                  Ill.        y is even and z is odd

  • I and II
  • II and III
  • II only
  • III only

Q #10

What least number must be subtracted From 1294 so that the remainder when Divided by 9, 11, 13 will leave in each Case the same remainder 6?

  • 0
  • 2
  • 1
  • 3

Q #17

The quotient arising from the division of 24446 by a certain divisor is 79 and the remainder is 35, what is the divisor?

  • 39
  • 390
  • 309
  • 3009

Q #20

A number when divided by 221 gives a Remainder 43. What remainder will be obtained by dividing the same number By 17?

  • 11
  • 9
  • 8
  • 13

Q # 47

The difference between the squares of two consecutive numbers is 35. The Numbers are :

  • 14,15
  • 15,16
  • 17,18
  • 18,19


Divide 50 into two parts so that the sum of their reciprocals is 1/12 :

  • 20,30
  • 24,26
  • 28,22
  • 36,14

Q # 48

The product of two numbers is 120. The sum of their squares is 289. The sum of two number is :

  • 20
  • 23
  • 169
  • None of these

Q #51

The sum of square of two numbers is 68 and the square of their difference is 36. The product of the two numbers is

  • 16
  • 58
  • 32
  • 104

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